Plenty of Premier League teams have their fair share of celebrity fans. Arsenal has Idris Elba, Tottenham has Adele and Manchester City have the two brothers from Oasis. But maybe no team in England has a fan as powerful as Liverpool, who have Millie Bobby Brown among their faithful. Ok, so maybe Brown isn’t all powerful, but her character “Eleven” from the hit Netflix show Stranger Things sure is.
So if Brown could somehow use her character’s powers for the good of the Merseyside team, what chance would the other teams in the Premier League stand? We take a look at the five ways Eleven would make the Reds instant favorites for the Premier League title. Minor spoilers for Stranger Things follow from this point on. Though if you haven’t seen the show yet everything from here on won’t make much sense anyway.
1. Influence the flight of the ball
[link_box id=”23193″ site_id=”158″ layout=”link-box-third” alignment=”alignright”]This one should be pretty self-explanatory. In the show, Eleven has the ability to move things with her mind. It’s basically the force. Eleven could use this ability to put a little more pace on a shot or swerve the ball to get around an opposing keeper. The power could even be used in a defensive manner. Imagine an opponent with an empty net to shoot at from a yard out. Instead of burying it in the back of the net the ball gets popped straight up and hits him in the chin.
2. “Embarrass” opposition players at the worst moment
We’ll keep this relatively sporting, and not have Eleven breaking opponents arms and legs (or killing them for that matter). Instead, Eleven showed a remarkable ability to cause someone to lose temporary control of their bodily functions. Putting it bluntly, she can make people pee themselves. If a Liverpool forward could come in one on one with the keeper, and suddenly that keeper felt the strong urge to use the bathroom it could make for an uncomfortable few moments. Failing that, Eleven could just revert back to the first point and push the keeper out of the way with her mind.
3. Spy on opposing managers
This wasn’t shown in great detail in the show, but it was implied that Eleven could transport herself via the “upside down” to other places on the planet for espionage. Going into that tank at the Hawkins Lab, Eleven eavesdropped on a Russian conversation. This ability would come quite in handy for a Premier League manager. Jürgen Klopp could send Eleven off to find out all the important tactical information from the other managers in the League. Liverpool would have to invest in a lot of bags of salt, but hey, they could make the rookies responsible for that.
4. Turn off goal-line technology
This one would be few and far between, but given Eleven’s ability to screw with technology this could work in Liverpool’s favor on the rare occasion. This situation would arise if there was a close decision on a possible goal against. If Eleven could screw with the hawkeye system enough like she did with Mike’s compass, then refs might be missing the occasional goal. This could turn around and hurt Liverpool though if they miss out on a goal themselves. But in that case, it doesn’t really matter because Eleven can just move things with her mind. Just want to reiterate that point again, because moving stuff with your mind is awesome.
5. Pick up and move Alberto Moreno into correct positions
Speaking of moving stuff with your mind. What if Eleven could help make Alberto Moreno a more positionally sound defender? She had no problem picking up and saving Mike from his ill-advised cliff dive, so there is no reason she couldn’t help Moreno with his ill-advised positional mistakes. If the Spaniard goes drifting and loses his marker she could just pick him up and move him back to the correct position. Either that or the club can bill him as the amazing flying footballer and sell him for £150 million.
There you have it, five possible ways that Eleven from Stranger things can help Liverpool win the Premier League. Though honestly, we could have stopped after the first one, what with every kick of the ball Liverpool take going in the back of the net, it would be hard for them to not win the league. Then again, after one game of that the FA would surely start investigating.