
You can’t charge him with corruption if he can’t hear you.

FIFA Not Responsible For Qatar’s Workers Conditions According to Blatter

Sepp Blatter is in that zone where you wouldn’t be shocked by anything that he says. Blatter tested that in Sri Lanka by deflecting responsibility for Qatar’s labor situation to individual companies who employ those workers. In a report from The Guardian, Blatter said that, “[companies from European countries] are responsible for their workers and […]

FIFA Being FIFA, Whistleblowers From FIFA Qatar Summary Identified

Two whistleblowers from the Garcia Report on possible corruption during the bid process for the 2018 and 2022 World Cup’s have lodged a complaint within FIFA against Hans-Joachim Eckert because his summary of the Garcia Report contained information that made them easily identifiable. Phaedra Almajid of Qatar 2022 and Bonita Mersiades of Australia 2022 were […]

Is FBI About to Investigate FIFA for Corruption?

Last week, we reported on former FIFA official Chuck Blazer informing on FIFA for the FBI. This week, CNN is reporting that the FBI is stepping up its own corruption investigation that could land some FIFA officials in hot water. This runs contrary to FIFA’s own report on Thursday that cleared itself of any corruption in the […]

Qatar Corruption Summary Released

Hans-Joachim Eckert’s summary of Michael Garcia’s report on corruption in bidding for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups have been released and it’s as expected from yesterday. Russia and Qatar have been cleared of wrongdoing, and pretty much every other country is to blame. We only got the 42 page summary of the 430 page […]
